Fake It Till You Make It? Metro FM's Controversial Chat with Pretend Doctor Stirs Controversy


Tough situations sometimes lead to extreme actions. That's what a social media user said about Metro FM when they announced an interview with the fake Dr. Matthew Lani. The interview happened during their popular show from 7 pm to 8 pm, hosted by Faith Mangope. Lani, known as a TikTok influencer, doesn't actually have any credentials as a doctor, despite claiming to be one.


Someone from inside Metro FM revealed that the producers planned the interview to boost ratings, but it backfired. The source mentioned that they were warned about upsetting fans when they were brainstorming ideas. "They were just focused on numbers and popularity, not considering that people would be upset," the source added. X (formerly Twitter) criticized the station for promoting a fraud by giving Lani a platform, even after he was exposed as a fake doctor.


A media specialist, Khanyi Magubane, called Lani's interview on Metro FM Talk a new low, saying it exploited his apparent mental health issues. During the interview, Lani still claimed to be a medical doctor, contradicting his earlier confession during his arrest at Helen Joseph Hospital. Faith questioned Lani about his credentials, but he insisted he was a qualified doctor from Wits, even though the university denied him as a former student. Lani also claimed he worked at Helen Joseph for two years, despite being asked to leave. When questioned about his removal, he said, "I think there was a misunderstanding; the security guards did not know me."


SABC spokesperson Sibusiso Gumbi clarified that the station is investigating how the interview was approved and the reasons behind it. He stated, "The station is currently investigating how the interview was approved and the reasons for that approval. We will communicate accordingly once we have all the requested information." Lani was arrested last month for impersonating a medical doctor at Joseph Hospital to gain more social media followers. The health department spokesperson, Motalatale Modiba, mentioned that Lani had entered the facility before to create misleading content, pretending to be a qualified doctor. Despite the arrest, the National Prosecuting Authority refused to pursue his case in court, citing ongoing police investigations.


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